Popular Nigerian record producer, Young John has revealed how his mother helped transform his career and social life.
Young John, in a chat with TV host Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, said as a kid he was shy and had social anxiety which deprived him of so many things.
nevertheless, with the help of his mother, who is a psychologist, Young John was subjected to therapy after seeing her clients.
“I always used to be really shy. Being young, I thought it was a normal thing but my mother is a psychologist she would often talk to me about how to relate with people.
“Along the line, I started getting better but it started getting worst. At some point, I could not attend gatherings and would rather pass through the back door.
“There were so many people and I found it hard. It made me deprive myself of a lot of things. I did not want to be in certain places and didn’t have the courage to do certain things. I had to force myself to snap out of it,” he said.
He recorded that if not for his mother it would have been difficult to achieve his dreams.
“My mother helped me a lot to overcome anxiety. I called her and she would give me psychology questionnaires. I had big dreams and, if I kept going that way, it would be hard achieving them,” he said.
According to him, most guys who find themselves in such situations can’t talk publicly about it because society might tag them as ‘Weak’.
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