Enugu Police Arrest 18 Year Old Girl For Killing Her New Born Baby Following The Advice From Her 60-Year-Old Mum

Enugu Police Arrests 18-Year-Old Girl For Killing Her New Born Baby Following The Advice From Her 60-Year-Old Mum

The Commissioner of Police in Enugu state has ordered the arrest of an 18 year old girl who is identified as Ada Joy Okonkwo for killing her new born baby (infanticide), in conspiracy with her 60 year old mother at Olocha-Adogba in Awgu community of Awgu L.G.A., on November 7.

A statement released by the spokesperson of the state police command, DSP Daniel Ndukwe, says preliminary investigation shows that the said mother of the newborn child used a kitchen knife to stab the child to death, following the counseling of her mother, moments after she was delivered of the baby at home.

Ndukwe said the child was taken to the hospital and confirmed dead by the doctors on duty, while the corpse was deposited in the mortuary for preservation and autopsy.

The police PRO mentioned that the state Commissioner of police has called on citizens of the community, particularly the women who carried out a peaceful demonstration to express their disgust over the act, to maintain peace, and avoid acts that could lead to the breakdown of law and order in the community.


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